Blog: January 2016
Children need active play where they explore and experiment to master the beginnings of literacy. We know that the brain is important in writing and reading development but the body needs to be ready physically too. Healthy child development requires challenges to their creativity and imaginations as well as to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor development. The sensory stimulation and the development of posture and coordination achieved through physical play will help build the fPosted: 2/1/2016
Getting into arts and crafts with young children is more than just fun, it's important for the many skills they'll learn and for their all-round development. Arts and crafts projects can help under 5s with everything from self-expression and building self-esteem to problem solving and enhancing social skills. You don't need any great expertise or a huge amount of supplies and equipment. It is all about having fun, taking ideas and adapting them to what you have available and what you think yourPosted: 2/1/2016